The main goal of any parent in a custody case is to get the most time with their children as possible, whether that means full custody, 50 percent of the year, or the full summer for parents that live far away from their children’s home. Parents that end up in court fighting over custody still see custody being awarded to the mother in 85% of court cases. While shared custody is beginning to make it into the mainstream with laws mandating 50/50 custody unless there are outstanding circumstances preventing one parent from caring for the children, for most fathers it is a battle to overcome the stereotypes that Dad’s are nothing more than a wallet. Mr Custody Coach helps Mother’s or Father’s get the most custody they feel they are prepared to handle.

Mr Custody Coach provides information and coaching on how to create solid custody agreements that not only put the children first, but minimize contact between the parents in order to stop harassment. Mr Custody Coach deals with issues like one parent withholding the children during the agreed upon exchange time, how to overcome restraining orders that were created under false allegations, making sure the children receive the appropriate education and more.

  • Religion
  • Holidays
  • School Breaks
  • Vacation
  • Exchanges
  • Extra Curricular Activities
  • Moving
  • Child Care
  • Health Care
  • Education
  • Relationships
  • Contact, ie phone calls, etc
  • Discipline
  • Contempt of Court

Custody doesn’t end with an agreement, each parent must follow the agreement to make it work, and unfortunately, this is where most people really need a custody coach, as problems that were never thought of crop up.

Imagine a simple thing like the custody agreement stating that custody is from Sunday to Sunday, but doesn’t say what time, where, or who is to do the driving. While parents who get along can usually agree on these things and make changes when needed, parents that are in a high conflict custody situation can rarely speak on good terms. Mom has plans on Sunday until 6pm so she wants Dad to pick them up at her house at 6:30, but Dad has plans that start at 5pm, so that’s not possible, he would like a 4:30 drop off by Mom since he drove last time. Mom doesn’t agree, so she says, sorry, too bad, you can’t have the kids. What should be a simple exchange turns into one parent dictating how things will happen to the other parent, regardless of how this impacts their life or plans. And of course, the children are stuck in the middle.

Custody coaching can anticipate these problems in advance and recommend a custody agreement that leaves little room for conflict. After an agreement is reached and problems appear, a custody coach can help determine what is most important, offer solutions, and most importantly, create a buffer so your tension levels don’t skyrocket everytime there is an issue. Take a look at our Custody Agreement eBook for a great guide on how to write an agreement where there is a lot of conflict.