To everyone who comes here to read and for assistance, guidance, and understanding – everyone at Mr. Custody Coach wishes you a holiday season of peace, love, and joy.  We wish you a holiday season that is free from child custody contentiousness.  We wish you a holiday that is free from drama caused by a high-conflict ex-wife or high conflict ex-husband or ex-partner of any sort.

Most importantly, we wish you a holiday that is full of friends and family… that is full of joy and happiness… that is full of peace, love, goodwill towards others… one where you and the children can leave all of the unhappiness behind, even for a moment, and reconnect in the spirit of love.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to all of you no matter who you’re celebrating with and no matter what it is you’re celebrating.

All the best to you and yours in the coming year.

Most Sincerely,

Mr. Custody Coach